Work in the field of highly automated driving and autonomous mobility introduces a new complexity into the development of embedded systems in vehicles and requires many multi-faceted processes incorporating a variety of software tools. It is necessary to combine existing technologies with new technologies or new tools.
In particular, any software that will be used in a vehicle must undergo rigorous testing, increasingly including vehicle and traffic simulation, as part of the verification and validation (V&V) strategy. As of yet, there is no single tool to cover all simulation needs from the detailed level of the vehicle to the transportation system as a whole. However, coupling different simulators is also not an easy task as there is no standard for interoperability between various simulation tools in development.
Means, the toolchain for the "AD challenge" is complex and the integration of all the tools coming from different domains, costs a lot of effort for each market participant without a real competitive advantage towards the solution.
The OpenADx ecosystem is about to stop wasting money on the introduction of a proprietary toolchain in each of the companies and to share development costs for the toolchain as well as risks. We expect a better integration of the tools in the toolcahin and the possibility to exchange tools within toolchains as well as complete toolchains. Besides these benefits, open source will help the automotive industry to minimize dependencies on suppliers and to increase software quality, because you have a lot of reviewers and tester.