Welcome to the EclipseCon Sponsor Guide.
We are using Swapcard as our conference platform, and you will be using the tools in the Swapcard Exhibitor Center to configure your booth, manage your team, and interact with attendees. The video serves as a hands-on demonstration and supplement to the written guide. Please read the entire guide and view the video before you begin working on your booth enhancements.
The conference team has configured a standard booth for each sponsor, using the information you provided for the EclipseCon website (name, logo, URL, and company description). All other elements of the booth in the Swapcard platform are optional and are up to the sponsor team to add, as you will see in the video and read in the Sponsor Guide.
- September 21: Sponsors have access to Swapcard to start booth building
- October 5: October 5: Attendees have access to Swapcard. Attendees can start engaging by completing their profiles, establishing contacts, setting up meetings, and planning their schedules
- October 20 - 22: Exhibit Area open
- October 19: Community Day
- October 20 - 22: EclipseCon 2020
Privacy of Attendee Data
We have prepared this document to explain how private data is shared in the Swapcard platform. Please be sure to read it so that you can follow your company’s procedures for GDPR compliance.Sponsor Guide Downloadable PDF
Click on the image below to access the guide.
Sponsor Guide Video: Setting Up Your Booth in Swapcard
This short video serves as a supplement to the written guide. We recommend that you view it before accessing the platform for the first time.
If you have questions or need help, please contact us at sponsors@eclipsecon.org.