While Javascript as a language is easy to learn, node.js as a platform offers some difficulty for beginners due to its peculiar programming characteristics, and there is always few developers who have questions on the out of order I/O and its implications in the program etc.
This session aims to illustrate the top 10 (based on identified usage pain point in the field) vital ingredients of node.js in their fundamental forms: definition, common usage pattern, control flow, best practices, and problem determination. [1] promises [2] events [3] buffer [4] addons [5] streams [6] cluster [7] modules [8] timers [9] json [10] npm
Objective of the presentation:
The objective of this session is to enable developers to bootstrap their Node.js fundamentals through learning the most important aspects of event driven architecture, asynchronous programming and the core Node.js APIs that are most commonly used.
Attendee pre-requisites - If none, enter "N/A":