Below is practical information for getting the most out of EclipseCon 2023.
If you have questions or need help, come to the Registration counter on the ground floor of the Forum. You can also look for a friendly person wearing an Eclipse Foundation orange STAFF lanyard. They will be happy to help.
Conference Mobile App
We highly recommend using the mobile app for just about everything you need to know onsite. To download the app, search for "EclipseCon 2023" in your app store. For help in using the app, download the Mobile App Guide.
Venue WiFi
SSID: econattendee
Password: econ2023wifi
Registration Hours
- Monday, 16 October: 8:00 - 18:00
- Tuesday, 17 October: 8:00 - 18:00
- Wednesday, 18 October: 9:00 - 17:00
- Thursday, 19 October: 9:00 - 17:00
Speaker Feedback and Attendee Survey
Please leave feedback on the talks you attend! It helps us improve the conference content, and the speakers really appreciate it. Feedback is done via the conference app, and just takes a few seconds per talk. Note that you can only leave feedback on the talks that you have bookmarked and added ahead of time to your personal agenda in the conference app.
Also, please take the attendee survey after the conference is over (look for the “Thanks for attending” email with the survey link). We depend on your evaluation and suggestions to keep improving our conferences.