If you want to build property editor to allow users to edit data in the browser, on mobile devices, on the desktop or even in augmented reality? Do you want to see how to switch a light on and off via an AR device and live on stage? This talk is for you!
Many applications and tools provide form-based UIs to enable users to view and edit properties. Some data is still best presented on the desktop, many use cases work best in the browser, some are best accommodated on mobile devices and, in the near future, we might even add augmented reality devices to this list, too.
In this talk, we present a real use case combining all those platforms and devices in one demonstrator scenario. We use JSON Forms, an Eclipse framework to build forms for desktop apps and in a browser IDE based on Eclipse Theia and - using an AR device - even into space.
During this presentation we will discuss step by step the different supported platforms including their architecture, suitable use cases, limitations and of course a demonstration. And yes, that also means that we will augment the real world with a form-based UI during our presentation using a cutting-edge-technology device. As a final step, we will even control the properties of real world objects, i.e. we will control a light using the AR device.
Comment: The scenario, as well as the AR rendering is based on MagicScript, an open source AR framework.