Paolo Patierno
Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat, Inc., Italy
Senior Software Engineer (Messaging & IoT) @ Red Hat, Microsoft MVP on Microsoft Azure & IoT. Devices to cloud, IoT, M2M and embedded systems.Speaker & Writer.
Sebastian Zarnekow
Language Engineer and Consultant at Self-employed, Germany
Sebastian is an independent consultant from Berlin. Actively contributing to Eclipse for more than 10 years now, he has specialised in model driven development and domain specific languages. As one of the architects behind the Xtext framework and the Xtend programming language, his strong focus is on efficient developer tooling and productivity. Being a framework developer, Sebastian is especially keen on clean abstractions, encapsulation and separation of concerns. He is a regular speaker on conferences.
Sebastian Zarnekow
Language Engineer and Consultant at Self-employed, Germany
Sebastian is an independent consultant from Berlin. Actively contributing to Eclipse for more than 10 years now, he has specialised in model driven development and domain specific languages. As one of the architects behind the Xtext framework and the Xtend programming language, his strong focus is on efficient developer tooling and productivity. Being a framework developer, Sebastian is especially keen on clean abstractions, encapsulation and separation of concerns. He is a regular speaker on conferences.
Sebastian Zarnekow
Language Engineer and Consultant at Self-employed, Germany
Sebastian is an independent consultant from Berlin. Actively contributing to Eclipse for more than 10 years now, he has specialised in model driven development and domain specific languages. As one of the architects behind the Xtext framework and the Xtend programming language, his strong focus is on efficient developer tooling and productivity. Being a framework developer, Sebastian is especially keen on clean abstractions, encapsulation and separation of concerns. He is a regular speaker on conferences.
Tim Winselmann
IoT Solution Architect at BREDEX GmbH, Germany
Tim Winselmann is a developer, IoT Solution Architect, problem solver and trainer at BREDEX GmbH. He is the technical lead for the IoT working group at the company, and can usually be found surrounded by cables, Raspberry Pis and microcontrollers. He has an affinity for testing and quality, and works closely with the testers in the company and in his projects. As a trainer, he holds the Certified Professional for IoT course, the Java Bootcamp and individual workshops with trainees.
James Kirkland
Chief Architect, iot at Red Hat, United States
James Kirkland is the Chief Architect for Red Hat's initiatives and solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT).
James serves as the lead subject matter expert and global team lead of system architects responsible for accelerating IoT implementations for customers worldwide. James also helps integrate product strategy with customer and product needs across Red Hat and partner product lines. James is a member of the Eclipse IoT working group’s steering committee and is a frequent public speaker and author.
Jochen Hiller
Developer Evangelist at Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany
Jochen Hiller is working for QIVICON department of Deutsche Telekom, which offers a commercial platform for the Smart Home. He is responsible for the OSGi based software stack running on the QIVICON hardware integrating devices of the Smart Home. He and his team are major contributors to Eclipse SmartHome project. He is also committer of Eclipse Concierge OSGi framework as part of the Eclipse IoT projects. He is a longtime Smalltalk, Java and OSGi developer having fun doing OpenSource and other cool stuff.