Over the last years, there has been a significant shift in the automotive industry from real-world testing to virtual methods when it comes to the assessment of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and automated driving (AD) functions. This trend can be seen at the regulatory site, e.g. UN regulation ALKS R157 which allows to use simulation to verify the safety concept of the Automated Lane Keeping System under specific conditions. Also, this change in the test methodology is addressed in the German funded projects like VVMethods, SET Level and in the EU funded projects L3 Pilot and OSCCAR.
For those reasons, openPASS as an open source simulation platform for effectiveness analysis for ADAS and AD systems has gained more interest in the automotive field and is even deployed in the above-mentioned funded projects. As an open source project, we are strongly depending on contributions made by partners or external parties. Not only openPASS is used in the funded projects but also, we receive contributions from them. As a result, the openPASS community grows and the simulation platform is being developed further. A recent development is that openPASS has grew from a simulator to a modular ecosystem. The idea is to share moduls developed in openPASS with anyone!
In this presentation it is shown how openPASS has grew from a simulator to an ecosystem around the modular simulation platform.