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Eurotech is a global company that designs, manufactures, and distributes edge compute and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology to system integrators and enterprises. Eurotech's customers have access to IoT building blocks, comprised of configurable edge hardware and software options, paired with support services. Edge Gateways, Edge Servers and Edge AI systems enable them to quickly and easily add Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications to make their assets and products smarter in a secure way. We operate in fast-growth markets worldwide: industrial automation, transportation & off-road, medical, utility grids, and communications, often in the most demanding physical environments. Eurotech has partnered with world's IoT and edge computing players to create 'best in class' solutions for Industrial IoT.
Open standards and open source are central to Eurotech’s approach to the market, as is reflected to the long standing commitment to the Eclipse Foundation. Eurotech is a founding and steering committee member of both the Eclipse Edge Native and the Eclipse IoT Working Group. Eurotech contributed and leads projects focusing on IoT Edge Application Framework Eclipse Kura for IoT gateways and other edge systems and the IoT Integration Platform Eclipse Kapua, a modular IoT (cloud & on-premise) platform that manages data, devices, and security in IoT solutions. These two Open Source projects, Eclipse Kura and Eclipse Kapua, form today the basis for Eurotech’s commercial offering branded Everyware Software Framework (ESF) and Everyware Cloud (EC).