In the last few years, we have seen a rise in the demand for artificial intelligence, and specifically machine learning. For some people, getting to know this paradigm represents a double challenge: get familiar with the machine learning theory plus learn a new programming language, but if you already know java and want to break into machine learning, Deeplearning4j is for you!
In this talk, I will present Deeplearning4j: what it is, its current state, its capabilities, possible integrations with other systems, and which are its pros and cons. I will also show the approach to solve some common use cases, like image classification and how to export and deploy the trained model to production. All the code will be publicly available for download.
- What level of knowledge should attendees have before joining your session
- Basic understanding of software development and java
- What will your session accomplish and what will attendees have learned
- Approaches and code will be shown to:
- Train a deep learning model, use it to make predictions
- Identify objects and people in images
- Integrations with other tools
- Approaches and code will be shown to: