Do you want to develop a custom tool for C/C++ development in the web/cloud? Are you an adopter of Eclipse CDT and wonder what the next generation of C/C++ tooling at Eclipse looks like? In this talk we introduce, an umbrella project for technologies, extensions and frameworks for building next-generation, web-based C/C++ tooling.
Many domain-specific C/C++ tool chains are currently in the process of migrating to a web-based technology stack and a cloud-ready infrastructure. Since December 2021, Eclipse has been the new home of novel technologies and best practices for building C/C++ in the web/cloud.
In this talk we provide a comprehensive overview of this exciting new area of the Eclipse ecosystem. We showcase selected components and features including: Advanced memory inspector, trace viewer, context switching for language servers and multi core debugging. Furthermore, we introduce you to Blueprint: a template tool for C/C++ development in the web/cloud, which can be used as a basis for developing your own custom C/C++ tool. Finally, we point out components currently under development which you could look out for in the near future.