The sixth edition of the Project Quality Day has the theme “quality throughout development – and beyond.” Enter your talks about quality from a developer’s perspective, quality for modern pipelines, testing in continuous delivery, testing in production, testing in the cloud, and integrating tests and testers into modern processes and technologies.
Talking with clients and team members about chalenges for testing the conversation is often steering in the way of regression testing. This talk is for everyone who feels regression testing is challenging.
"How do we keep up in a 2 weeks sprint cycle?"
"How can we be sure everything works as it used to?"
"Agile is not an option because we need to execute our 500 test cases before every release."
This session is about dockerizing tests hence attendees should have basic understanding of docker images.
The main focus is on "How testing can be transformed into modern technologies and avail thier benefits like consistent environment, speed, isolation, easy to reproduce test failure etc".
Would like to show a demo on how one can accomplish "git clone or use mounted drive, build, trigger tests" using single docker image which can be adopted for any kind of testing.
Selenium provides comprehensive low-level functionality for interacting with browsers and web elements. Beyond test implementation, additional tasks are required when it comes to management, such as test data management, result analysis, execution management, as well as the continuous adaptation of the test cases.
Behaviour Driven Development promises many advantages – and there are well established tools to use as well. You might think why not just start tomorrow? We did and we failed. This talk is about what went wrong and how to avoid our mistakes.
Four years ago we had various problems:
After spending countless hours in testing GUI and backend, numerous bugs are encountered in production. What’s missing? Due to crunch of resources and time, API testing is generally skipped and that’s where lot of bugs resides. However, noticing the increase in number of APIs used for development of years, it’s crystal clear that API testing is the new king!
GUI testing revolves around user’s experience, look & feel of the product. Can we justify applying same approach for testing APIs?
Eclipse installable units are what you publish to make your Eclipse features and plugins available to your users. You might also want to provide your users with custom Eclipse distributions or products where all your stuff is already installed.
Hopefully, you have lots of tests for your Eclipse plugins, both on the core level (unit tests) and on the UI level (functional tests).
Subtitle: what every developer should know about testing and testers
Testers and developers sometimes seem to be like creatures from different planets. Recognize these? Developers can't test. Testers can't code. Testers make the life of a developer miserable. Developers never test their own stuff. Testers can't keep up because testing is too slow, etc.
In order to reduce technical debt and maintenance cost, it is important to measure code quality, visualize critical components, identify disharmonies, low and high-quality code parts. Analysing and measuring overall software quality is challenging. The presentation gives an opportunity to attendees about how to easily analyse overall software quality and architectural quality insights by demonstrating case studies on some open source projects by using Eclipse plugins.
While the Microservice architectural style has a lot of benefits, it makes certain QA practices impractical: there is no big release candidate that can be tested before put to production, no single log file to look into for root cause analysis and no single team to assign found bugs to. Instead there are deployments happening during test runs, as many log files as there are microservices and many teams to mess with the product.
Ah, the excitement of being in an escape room. The chaos, the rush, the adrenaline. The goal is clear: we need to get to the solution! We need it fast! Now! People talk simultaneously. Run around. Scream at each other. And the time is ticking...
Take a breath. Focus. Communicate.
What do I see, standing over here? What do you see, standing over there?
Can we make sense of that?
Can we, by communicating and collaborating, bring this challenge to a victory?