Building an Industrial IoT Solution - Open Source
In this talk we will show how you can build an Industrial IoT Solution with Gateway / Client and Backend fully based on Open Source Technology.
In this talk we will show how you can build an Industrial IoT Solution with Gateway / Client and Backend fully based on Open Source Technology.
Ah, the excitement of being in an escape room. The chaos, the rush, the adrenaline. The goal is clear: we need to get to the solution! We need it fast! Now! People talk simultaneously. Run around. Scream at each other. And the time is ticking...
Take a breath. Focus. Communicate.
What do I see, standing over here? What do you see, standing over there?
Can we make sense of that?
Can we, by communicating and collaborating, bring this challenge to a victory?
Do you know what you need to test? Do you bring focus to testing within your team? Do you prioritize in the right way?
In this hands-on workshop, you will find an answer to the following question:
"How do we test the risks that affect the aspects of our product that matter most?"
We will give you a way to create a test strategy, a way to distinguish issues that matter from those that don't matter that much.
We will give you a way to substantiate your test approach, and a way to discuss this with the business and the team.
Work in the field of automated driving and autonomous mobility requires many multi-faceted processes incorporating a variety of software tools. In particular, any software that will be used in a vehicle must undergo rigorous testing, increasingly including vehicle and traffic simulation, as part of the verification and validation (V&V) strategy.
The Eclipse Foundation is a partner in many publicly funded Research projects. It helps consortia members to successfully create, publish, and sustain their code as open source software making the results of the research projects available for commercial or public exploitation.