In this talk, I will show our initial findings and the methodology for answering the long-standing question if adhering to the best practices of modilarity in OSGi has a proveably positive impact on the quality and sustainability of software development. We discuss several software quality metrics that we identified as good indicators for this research and how OSGi can have an impact on them. We then present our initial findings on the impact of OSGi on real-world software projects that we determined by a broad empirical study of code available from open source projects. We additionally discuss the added value of the service model, which is adopted by some but not all projects that have adopted OSGi.
Attendees of this session will learn about the practical benefits of OSGi and to which extent an investment into a stricter programming model like OSGi's modularity pays of in the long term. I expect people to are generally familiar with the OSGi module system but practical experience is not required.