The smart city ecosystem is huge and varied - trying to keep pace with new actors, devices, standards and protocols can be an unending task. Adding new data sources to your system, or even just updating existing sources, sometimes requires huge updates and breaking compatibility. The Eclipse sensiNact project provides a simple lightweight smart city platform hosting a digital twin of your city infrastructure, suitable for deployment at the edge or in the cloud. Eclipse sensiNact makes accessing data or triggering actions for any of your city’s smart capabilities consistent, simple and flexible, regardless of what native protocol or data format is used underneath. In addition, sensiNact provides push notifications, integrates with AI to automatically respond to data changes, and can deploy business logic to the edge for fast “reactions” even if the wider internet is unreachable.
The sensiNact runtime is made of modular, loosely-coupled components, allowing new device or data platform connectors to be rapidly developed, deployed and configured. There is also a library of existing connectors enabling you to get started with data sources from a wide variety of providers. The modularity and flexibility of the sensiNact runtime also extends to the gateway itself, with easily deployable APIs that can be called using REST, Websocket or MQTT, with other access mechanisms able to be added as needed.
This talk will outline the technical architecture of Eclipse sensiNact with examples from real world Smart City use cases in cities across Europe, Japan and the USA. It will also demonstrate how you can make use of sensiNact in your smart city projects to quickly develop data visualizations and automated actions.