Do you find yourself having to ingest, transform, aggregate, and monitor data streams from hundreds or thousands of devices? Are you being pressured to lower costs and improve scalability? Then Eclipse Vert.x could very well amaze you.
Vert.x is a very small, lightweight toolkit for implementing reactive systems using the Java Virtual Machine or GraalVM. Vert.x combines the vast ecosystem available to Java with the reactive capabilities of Node or GoLang while making it all simpler to implement and easier to understand (IMHO).
In this session I will demonstrate the use of Eclipse Vert.x as both an IoT data producer and as a data aggregator and web application server. The web application server will leverage Vert.x SockJS EventBus Proxies in order to allow us to tie our data into a real-time VueJS dashboard.
At then end, I will send you home with written lab materials and links to video tutorials which you can share with your team(s).