Edge computing is emerging, and many open source organizations have edge projects, such as Linux Foundation Edge, CNCF, and Eclipse as well. There should be more cooperation between open source community to provider more efficient solution for customers. As we know that many excellent IoT projects in Eclipse, therefore, we will introduce the Eclipse IoT Packages integration with CNCF KubeEdge, which a cloud native project in edge.
The talk will first introduce the challenges of edge computing and our experiences in commercial projects, and then will introduce KubeEdge, an open source edge computing project in the CNCF community, and how to use k8s to solve the problems in edge computing, and the enhancements to k8s to make it more suitable for edge scenarios, and finally introduces how CNCF KubeEdge and Eclipse IoT packages cooperate so that eclipse users can enjoy the advantages of cloud-native edge computing.